Friday 31 August 2012

Princess Diana memorial playground

Possibly the best park we have ever been to which is free.The Princess Diana memorial park is in Kensington Gardens a short walk from Kensington Palace and I think the most wonderful tribute to Princess Diana. Inspired by Peter Pan there are so many different areas to discover and explore. Little pathways lead you to water, wood, grass and sand play areas.

The Wooden playground has miniature houses for different ages, rocking horses and cars. The indian Garden holds lots of teepees for grown ups to collapse in with coffees and totem poles for the littlies to run around. Grass Land has life sized wooden sheep and tunnels through the ground which Oliver took over as his own fort. There is also a second wood land adventure playground which has children charging over raised wobbly bridges and throwing themselves down slides.

The main features are a water world rock land with fountains for splashing and a huge pirate ship sunk into a beach/sandpit where children swing from ropes and climb the mast.

The sensory garden has a tuning fork, musical instruments for little hands and piano steps in the floor. Oliver was really taken with a throne which had "Once Upon a Time..." carved into it and sat for ages just looking at the other children running about. There are beautiful trees and plants everywhere and you can see that every little bit of the garden has been thoughtfully planned out. The stonehenge pillars, pretty little wooden benches with ladybirds and beetles carved into them, scented plants, willows and bamboo make for an amazing discovery land.

We had the best day and didn't even explore the whole place. There is a cafe which is slightly overpriced but not when you consider you are in London and the park is free to get into.
You are only allowed entry if you have a child and the park is secure so you can be worry free the monsters can't escape.
I can't wait to go back!

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