Saturday, 18 August 2012

Special fried rice (for mrs ally x)

This one is for mrs ally - a lovely lunch or dinner for all the family it makes 2 big!! portions.


115g Basmati rice
2 carrots
50g frozen peas
1 pepper - I used orange
Sesame oil
Vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 small red onions
1 Spring onion
Soy sauce

Wash the rice and cook according to packet.

Meanwhile chop the carrots and pepper add the peas and steam along with the rice.

If you don't have a steamer pan then fry all the veg start with onion and crushed garlic in a mix of vegetable and sesame oil then add the rest of the veg (not the spring onion) until soft.

Beat the eggs and add seasoning then heat a frying pan with a mix of oils and pour the egg in it should be a thin layer. Give it a few mins and then start mixing it with a wooden spoon so you get a sort of scrambled egg.

If you steamed you now need to fry the onion and garlic in a mix of the oils. Add the steamed veggies, rice, finely chopped spring onion and cook for a few mins then add the rice and egg pour in some soy sauce and keep mixing till it looks yummy.

Eat it all up x

Tip for the person cooking - if you have a bored toddler whilst you are cooking put a towel down in the kitchen give them a plastic mixing bowl and spoons and pour some flour into the bowl. They will take over from here!


  1. I am sooooo going to cook this. Love a simple recipe xxx

  2. p.s I love the bowl Oliver is eating out of x
